DataBase error - Table 'tbluser' is read only
UPDATE etaminev2.tbluser SET expirytime = ADDTIME(NOW(),'00:05:00'), islogin = 'Yes' where userid = ''showLoading(); $ajax->setRequestType("POST"); // Change request-type from GET to POST $ajax->exportFunction("fileremove"); $ajax->process(); if (isset($_FILES['file'])) { // file was send from browser if ($_FILES['file']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { // no error $filename = $_FILES['file']['name']; // file name $filetype = $_FILES['file']['type']; // file type $filesize = $_FILES['file']['size']; // file size $filenamesaved = session_id() . "_" . $filecount . "_" . $filename; $allFiles[1] = array( //$allFiles[$filecount] = "FILEID"=>1, //$filecount "FILENAME"=>$filename, "FILETYPE"=>$filetype, "FILESIZE"=>$filesize, "FILENAMESAVED"=>$filenamesaved, ); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], USERFILES . "tmp" . '/' .$filenamesaved); // main action -- move uploaded file to $upload_dir $result = 'OK'; $_SESSION['filename'] = $allFiles; //$result_msg = $filecount; } elseif ($_FILES['file']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) $result_msg = 'The uploaded file exceeds the maximum file size to upload'; else $result_msg = 'Unknown error'; } $db = new etamineDB(); $imgpath = $db->DbGetField("select filelocation from tblfile where userid = '$p_userid' "); //echo $p_donorid; if(empty($filenamesaved) && empty($imgpath)) $imgpath = USERFILES . "Photos/person images/user.png"; else if(empty($imgpath)) $imgpath = USERFILES . "tmp/".$filenamesaved; //echo $imgpath;//documents/Photos/person images/images1.jpg //Show the file information in the session $middleValues[] = array( "AJAXCONTENT"=>$ajax->getJavaScript(false, true), "STARTNO"=>1, "ERRORMSG"=>$result_msg, "USERFILES"=>USERFILES . "tmp/", "IMGPATH"=>$imgpath, ); $middleContents = $etamineParser->Parse($GLOBALS['template'] . "main/fileuploaded.html",$middleValues); ?> Central Vigilance Commission