DataBase error - Unknown database 'msme'
select parameter, settingvalue from tblsetting left join tblsettingvalue on tblsetting.settingid = tblsettingvalue.settingid where tblsetting.smodule='Mail' and (parameter='mailhost' or parameter='mailprotocol' or parameter='smtpusername' or parameter='smtppassword') Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

Project Empowering of Indian MSMEs

Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Government of India) along with Indian Centre for Social Transformation a public charitable (Regd) Trust under this MSME membership program provides Integrated GPMS cloud computing solutions from the secured PSU data center infrastructure for any registered MSME organization to access from anywhere across India.
Global Project Monitoring Solution is offered as a management e-tool for MSME's that will introduce high end technological platforms like cloud computing and crowd sourcing.

Induction of Integrated GPMS would be beneficial in the following aspects to begin with:

  • Help investors see the governing system as single entity despite of cross-hierarchies of departments, officials involved and help governing officials work together for the common intent of attracting investment, generating employment, balanced growth of various regions/districts etc.
  • Helps effectively address/target the information needs of the investors based on instrumentation/analytics built into the system to capture insights from navigation, level of interest and other details shared to the moment.
  • Helps both parties have control over/drive investment process by bringing both sides together step by step through lead to prospect to investor steps. Help investors foresee the complete benefits available to him & expected returns in terms of employment etc.
  • Help bring entire value chain of investors of MSME's come together of horizontal, vertical opportunities to take care of developing the complete ecosystem to address the need in totality.
  • Help possibly converge/ unify various communication mediums like telephones, SMS, e-mails, on line helpdesk, video conferencing, other pervasive forms of communications etc.
  • Help possibly include Blogs, communities of interest, feedback/content voting/ranking, tagging, RSS to address real-time co-creation needs of the consumer.
  • Help applying the methods that worked for other investors, convert event-based communication needs & activities into method-based, time-driven.
Available for any registered MSME's under this membership program who will be able to identify the emerging global markets, connect with prospective partners, establish collaborative businesses and to create a strong platform for key decision makers, business leaders and multilateral, regional and national funding agencies from India and other countries to address issues common to MSMEs and identify cross-border partnership opportunities.